View and Restore Anything in the Trash

As an account owner, you can view everything that's been put in the trash — across all Projects in the account. This is helpful for owners to see an overview of what's been deleted and gives you an opportunity to recover anything that you want to keep.

NOTE: Trashing a comment, Chat message, or Ping messages skip the trash and are deleted immediately — you cannot restore them from the trash once deleted.

Start by clicking on  Adminland  on the Home page below your avatar:

Screenshot of the Home screen with an arrow pointing at the Adminland button in the upper right corner

Once in Adminland, scroll down until you see the Owner Actions:

Screenshot of the Adminland page and the actions available to the account owners. An arrow is pointing at the "View everything in the Trash" button

Click view everything in the trash.  Once you click that, you'll see an account wide overview of everything that's been trashed. This is ordered by date - oldest to newly trashed.

Screenshot of the "Everything in the Trash" page. One project called "Management: Support" is trashed. Items in Trash are erased 25 days after they were trashed.

If you'd like to restore the trashed item, click it and you will be given the option to  view itrestore it  or go to the trash to permanently delete it .

Screenshot of the message shown at the top of the trashed project with the options to restore it or go to trash to permanently delete it

Screenshot of the message shown at the top of the trashed item with the options to view it, restore it, or go to trash to permanently delete it