
Bookmarks are a simple way to keep important stuff in Basecamp close at hand. A Card Table you check out frequently? Bookmark it. A technical doc you reference every 3 months but can't remember what project its in? You know what to do.

Click the “Bookmark” button on any to-do list, doc, message, chat, ping, etc. in Basecamp and it’ll show up on the My Bookmarks page for easy reference. Bookmarks are yours alone — the pages you choose to bookmark are specific to you.

A screenshot of a Message Board post with the Options menu open. There is a red circle highlighting the

All current bookmarks, and bookmarks from archived projects, will show up on your My Bookmarks page.

A screenshot of the My Bookmarks page, showing current and archived bookmarks.

Easily delete a bookmark from your My Bookmarks page by clicking the trash can icon next to the bookmark.

A screenshot of the My Bookmarks page. There is a red arrow pointing to the trash can symbol to delete the bookmark.