Add or Remove Other Admins

Want to give someone else all the superpowers you enjoy? Any Admin can grant or revoke administrator privileges to anyone (except owners) on the account.

Just head over to Adminland by tapping on the Home button, then tapping on the Adminland link in the upper right corner:

Screenshot of an arrow pointing to "Adminland" on the Home screen

Once you're in Adminland, you'll select the option to Add/remove administrators: 

Screenshot of arrow pointing to the Add/remove administrators option

There you'll see a list of all the current admins with links to remove them. At the bottom, you'll also find a spot to add new admins:

Screenshot of two arrows — one pointing to the "Type a person's name" field and one pointing to the "Revoke" button

🗒️ NOTE: Administrators have less permissions than Account owners. See the differences here.