Jump ahead to:
- Replying to a specific message
- Viewing all files in a conversation
- Naming your Pings
- Adding cover image to a Ping
- Archiving entire Ping conversations
- Deleting and editing individual Ping messages
- Exporting Ping conversations
Pings are like direct messages — they’re direct conversations with other users in the account. They’re not tied to any Projects in the account.
NOTE: Admins and account owners can send a Ping to anyone on the account. Non-admins, including Outside Collaborators and Clients, can only send a Ping to users they share a Project with, admins, and account owners.
Account owners and admins can select how long Basecamp keeps everyone's Ping chat history in Adminland.
You can ping one person or a group of people, and the conversation is only visible to the people you select. No one else can see your pings with other users — your view is unique to you:
You'll get a notification every time someone pings you, unless you've got that ping open on your computer or phone (this way your phone/inbox won't blow up!). You’ll see a badge next to your “Pings” menu for any unread Pings.
When you paste a public URL into a Ping conversation, a handy link preview pops up automatically:
This feature helps everyone in the chat get a better idea of what's being shared, so they know exactly what they're clicking on. If you need to, you can remove the preview:
Or, if you change your mind after sending the message, just edit the message and take out the preview the same way. No worries!
Replying to a specific message
You can reply to a specific message in Ping. To do that, hit the "•••" button to reveal the arrow and click it:
Then write your reply, and the original post will be quoted a s part of your reply:
Viewing all files in a conversation
To browse all the files uploaded in a particular ping conversation, click the ••• menu in the upper right corner of the screen, and click to "See all files posted here:"
You can then look through all the files anyone uploaded into that ping conversation:
Naming your Pings
To give your Ping group a name, click the current Ping names on the top left:
Enter in the new name for the Ping group and click the "Save" button:
If you'd like the Ping group to go back the original name, click the current Ping name on the top left, delete the name so that it's blank, and click the "Save" button:
Now, it's back to the original name:
🗒️ Note: Ping names can only be changed on a desktop.
Adding cover image to a Ping
To add a cover image to your Ping Group, click the current Ping names on the top left:
Click the image icon that appears to the left of the Ping name:
Select an image from your computer and click to save.
To remove a cover image to your Ping Group, click the current Ping names on the top left and click the trash icon:
Archiving entire conversations
Click the ••• menu to the right hand side of the Ping conversation to see the archive option:
Read through the consequences of archiving before you commit to it. If all looks and fits well, click "Yes, archive this Ping" and the conversation will be archived for all involved:
NOTE: Archived pings cannot be restored. You can start a new Ping with the same participants to continue the conversation.
Deleting and editing individual messages
Delete or edit a ping the same way you delete a Chat message: click the "•••" button next to the timestamp above your post.
Then, click the little red trash can to delete what you've posted or click the pencil to edit what you've written:
When you delete something, it'll be gone for both parties.
Exporting ping conversations
An account owner can export pings on the account. There's an option to export all ping conversation between anyone that has ever been a part of the account, as well as the option to export specific conversations.
Pings are private conversations so exporting (and reading) these conversations may be a breach of trust. We suggest only exporting pings in extraordinary circumstances or when required to do so by court order.
To export pings on the account, click Home, then Adminland, then Export data from this account. There will be a link there to export Pings:
*The account owner owns all the content in a Basecamp 4 account, including content within pings (much like how a company email address works). For that reason, you may want to use other, encrypted tools for any sensitive, private-life conversations with your colleagues.