The Latest Activity

Below the tools in every Project, you'll see a timeline for the latest activity:

Scroll down to load more history — every post has an author and a date/time stamp, so you can always scroll back in time to see who did what when! It's a great way to see what's fresh, bump into stuff you didn't know was going on, and even find things that happened recently (like a discussion that may have been buried in a to-do).

The timeline is mobile-friendly as well — a great way to quickly dive in and see what's going on with a single scroll!

A mobile screenshot of the

Looking for the latest across all of your projects? You'll have Latest Activity in the top menu here:

Check out the activity reporting options on our Reports page.

Daily activity email

Basecamp will also send you a daily activity email every day at 7am. It summarizes everything that happened since 7am on the previous day. 

Activity for your pinned projects will show up at the top. Any projects you're "just following" will be in another group below. Learn more about changing your participation type in a project here!

A screenshot of the Latest Activity email

If you'd like to turn off this daily email, you can just click the link to  turn this email off  at the bottom of the email. Or you can go to the Activity  page and click the button that says Emailing a daily summary . Want it back? Just click the button again!