Project types: All-access and Invite-only
Projects in Basecamp can be either All-access or Invite-only:
- All-access projects make it easy for any of your coworkers to join your projects, without being manually invited. When you share a link to an item within such a project with any non-client user, they will automatically be added to the project as "Just following" once they click that link. Clients can mention any Groups in these projects.
- Invite-only projects are more restricted - only people who are explicitly invited can see such projects. Clients cannot mention Groups containing folks who don't already have access to the project.
You can set the type of project while creating it. Set it to "All-access" to give your coworkers easier access:
You'll know if a project is All-access when it has the badge at the top left of the project:
When you want to share a message or file in your project with someone else, just copy and paste the link. Once they click the link, they will automatically be following that project and see the item you've shared. Not sure how to get a link to an item? Here's how!
NOTE: Only creator of a project, as well as account admins/owners, can change its type from Invite-only to All-Access, and vice versa.
Users can also join All-Access projects from the project directory. Click the "All-access" filter at the top, find the project you need, and click the project row or the "Join" button:
NOTE: Only users already on your account can use the All-access link to join a project. People who are not yet users cannot be invited to the account via a link. Clients can only be invited manually to a project.