
Need extra time to polish your Document or Message, or perhaps you want a teammate to give it a once-over? Drafts are your go-to solution to save your progress and share an unpublished copy with others.

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Saving a draft

You can always find an option to save your draft at the bottom of your Document or Message:

Screenshot of an unfinished Message on a Board with a red arrow pointing at the Save as a draft button

Finding your saved drafts is also easy! Find them saved in the card of the Project where you created them:

Screenshot of a Message Board page with a red arrow pointing at the Continue writing your draft link at the top

Or, you can find them in your  My Stuff  menu on your Home screen:

Screenshot of a Home screen with a red arrow pointing at the My Drafts option in a dropdown My Stuff menu

On your drafts page, you'll find both the Messages and Documents you've saved as drafts, and any scheduled content awaiting publication:

Screenshot of Your Drafts page where you can see your drafts alongside scheduled posts and documents

Editing, publishing, and sharing a draft

Once you're ready to return to your draft, open it up and choose whether you'd like to publish or continue editing it:

Screenshot of an unpublished draft page with two options - Continue editing and Post this message now

When it's ready for the world, simply click Post this message or Post this document . Or you can hit the clock icon to schedule it for later posting. Your choice! And don't forget to choose who should be notified:

Screenshot of a Drafts page where you can see several options at the bottom - When I post this, notify, Save as a draft, Post this message, and clock icon that allows you to schedule a message or document

To share a draft, click the "Share a link" button at the top and copy the direct link to your draft from there:

Screenshot of a draft page with a red arrow pointing at the Share a link option at the top

Screenshot of the Share a link to your draft callout that allows you to copy the link with one click

You can then send that link to someone else in the project. Otherwise, the draft is only visible to you.

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